How Are Brain Injuries And Vision Connected?

A head injury is a complex medical issue. People often don’t make the connection between a brain injury and vision until it is too late. This is because a brain injury can affect the head, spine, back, and other parts of the body, as well as having a major impact on vision health. In fact, more than 60% of head injuries result in death. This sobering statistic is one of the reasons why head injuries and their long-term effects should be taken seriously.
This urgency extends to those who have served in the military. Service people are at an increased risk of head injury both while on duty and during training. According to the US Department of Defense, between 2000 and 2019 413,858 military personnel experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI) such as a concussion or more severe injury. Of these, 82.8% were considered mild, 9.8% moderate, and 2.3% penetrating or severe.

People who experience a head injury may experience temporary or extended blurred vision. They may also notice having trouble focusing or decreasing peripheral vision. This is why people who experience linger effects such as vision issues should see an eye doctor right away.
Let’s review some of the things you can do to reduce the impact of a head injury on your vision, as well as where you can find affordable designer glasses for men and women if you are advised to wear them to support your vision.
What is a head injury?
We have all bumped our heads at some point in our lives, but people who suffer from TBI have experienced a much higher level of trauma to the head which has resulted in significant damage to physical or cognitive abilities. For many patients, these effects are only temporary. But for others, they can go on for weeks, years, or even permanently.
A significant head injury can be the result of what seems like a mild strike to the head to more severe, like a combat injury. No matter how the injury is acquired, it is important to seek medical help straight away and watch for signs of vision problems.
Common TBI vision problem symptoms
Ophthalmologists and optometrists are trained to spot health issues resulting from TBI. If the problem is severe, they may also refer the patient to a neuro-optometrist or neuro-ophthalmologist for further evaluation.
Symptoms they are looking for include:
- Retinal detachment: This occurs when the blow to the head causes the retina to detach which can result in bleeding or permanent blindness.
- Vitreous hemorrhage: A severe head injury can cause bleeding into the vitreous. This is the gel-like fluid inside our eyes.
- Optic nerve damage: This is usually the result of increased pressure on the skill. It can cause problems with blood circulation in the eye and lead to permanent nerve damage or blindness.
Other symptoms of post-TBI vision damage may include blurred vision, trouble focusing, or stationary objects appearing to move. Patients may also have feelings of exhaustion or vision overload as the eyes try to compensate for vision loss, along with noticing heightened light or glare sensitivity leading to headaches or sore, red eyes.
How long does a TBI affect vision?
It can be difficult to determine how long patients will experience the after-effects of a TBI on their vision. Some patients only notice vision problems for a day or two as their brain adjusts to the trauma, while other patients can take up to six weeks to notice any improvement.
This is why it is important to talk to an eye doctor to begin assessment and any consequent vision therapies straight away. They will also be able to provide you with an updated prescription if damage to vision is extended or permanent.
Order designer glasses for men online today
Specs for Vets has been helping veterans and service people enjoy better vision for nearly 20 years. We are veterans too and understand the complex needs of service people who are dealing with service-related trauma to their vision.
We are proud to be one of the best places to order glasses online for veterans and military personnel who have TBI and have been recommended to get glasses to correct their vision.
With hundreds of discount designer frames to choose from, you never have to worry about how to order prescription glasses online because we also offer virtual try on, letting you see how you will look in your frames before you buy.